Fuel Injector Rail Upgrade Kit for VK45/VK56 Swap

Fuel Injector Rail Upgrade Kit for VK45/VK56 Swap

from $900.00

Now offering our popular Fuel Injector Upgrade Kit separately from our Megasquirt kits.

8 Different injector sizes available, and are all ethanol / E85 compatible. If you are needing a specific size not listed here, please contact us, we can special order additional sizes

Wanting a modern injector and rail setup for the factory Nissan EFI or ECCS? The 19lb and 24lb variants are OE replacement kits designed for use with FACTORY EFI.

This kit includes the following

  • Pallnet Fuel Rail (11mm & 14mm O-Ring Options)

  • Bosch EV6 High Impedance Fuel Injectors

  • Aeromotive 13129 Fuel Pressure Regulator (30-70psi)

  • -6AN to Barb Hose Fittings (-6an and -8an Flare fittings Available Upon Request)

  • Liquid Filled Fuel Pressure Gauge

  • NEW Fuel Injector Electrical Connectors

  • O-Rings and Mounting Hardware Included

Please allow 1-2 Weeks for delivery

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